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Organizational Partnerships

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Our Partners Include:

  • Special Children's Friends

  • MDI Regional School System

  • Bangor Public Library & YMCA

  • Ellsworth & MDI Housing Authority

  • Dragonfly Academy Early Intervention

  • Ellsworth Community Music Institute

  • Beth C Wright Cancer Center

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Music makes a difference in the lives of your clients.

Professional music therapy services go far beyond what volunteers or iPod programs provide. Music therapists work as part of the healthcare and education team to address measurable goals and achieve great outcomes. 

We contract with organizations to bring direct services, workshops, and training programs to your location throughout Hancock and Penobscot Counties in Maine. 

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Contracted Services

Music therapy is a value-added service that can help competitively position your organization through improved outcomes and increased client satisfaction. We partner with educational, healthcare, and community organizations to bring creative and beneficial programs to people of all ages and income levels. 

  • Group Music Therapy Sessions

  • Individual Music Therapy Services

  • Music Enrichment Groups

  • Intergenerational Programming

  • Staff Trainings

  • Documentation and team meeting attendance

Group of young children dancing with teacher

Partnering agencies and organizations find that music therapy is significantly more affordable than they imagined. We have over a decade of experience in organizational management and can help with program and budget development. We partner with large and small organizations to create a package that's right for you!

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Group of people sitting around a table with musical images

Workshops and Presentations

We offer a wide variety of affordable CEU-ready trainings and presentations that target the needs of your group or organization. While it takes significant training/degrees to become a music therapist, anyone can learn tips and techniques for using music to improve the lives of others.

Topics include:

  • Tuning in: Music for Stress Management

  • Music for Caregivers: Practical tips to use today

  • Music therapy in _____ (healthcare, hospice, mental health, schools)

  • This is Your Brain on Music

  • Music and Mindfulness

  • Teamwork and Group Development

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